I'm sure this is simple for someone but I have tried for the last 2 days every piece of information from googling and still no joy! So I would really appreciate some help. I'm newish to the world of Linux but enjoying the change.
The Problem
I recently built a Ubuntu headless 16.04.2 LTS server to run Plex with the media living on my Qnap NAS. Following this guide I got things going pretty easily. So created the mounts like this:
mkdir /mnt/Video
mkdir /mnt/Audio
mkdir /mnt/Multimedia
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
Added the following lines to the /etc/fstab
// /mnt/Videos cifs credentials=/etc/samba/credentials,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0 0
// /mnt/Audio cifs credentials=/etc/samba/credentials,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0 0
// /mnt/Multimedia cifs credentials=/etc/samba/credentials,uid=1000,iocharset=utf8 0 0
then ran the mount
sudo mount -a
the shares mount fine, Plex could read the media and build a library.
Then I wanted to enable Camera Upload from my phone and that is when the fun began. Straight up it wouldn't work so I thought simple- change the permissions for the folder on the NAS to rw and bingo should work- Nope.
I can make and remove a folder from CLI but Plex still no rw access. Plex created a user called Plex so I tried to change the owner and permissions to plex using
sudo chown -R plex /mnt/Multimedia
but I get "changing ownership of '/mnt/Multimedia/files' : Permission denied
Tried sudo chmod 755 -R /mnt/Multimedia
and I get the same response..
When I run a
ls -l /mnt/Multimedia
I get
I have since tried different mount options with no luck. Tried creating a group and making plex part of that group and apply the group and no luck.
Why is it so hard to change permissions on a network share?