Sick of wasting time with AIs that say completely contradictory things, here I am.
I am trying to mount at boot an exfat storage device mainly used to save media & docs but with some scripts to execute as well.As an administrative user I want to have full rights on files and directories on the device (rwx) without authenticating myself except once at login (or at re-mount in case of unmounting). Groups and others will have less permissions.
It seems that using fstab, fmask and dmask is the way to go and I thought a dmask of 0022 for rwxr-xr-x and an fmask of 0033 for rwxr--r-- would be ok (thanks to this, this, AIs and other sources). The resulting fstab line (considering that I am user 1000) would be:
file_system mount_point exfat defaults,uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0033,dmask=0022,iocharset=utf8 0 0
Can you please confirm that both my reasoning, the mask values and the fstab line are correct?