If I try to mount Windows network share it uses actual Ubuntu user instead of given username.
mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0.2 -o username=Windows_username //share /mnt/smbPassword for Ubuntu_username@//share:
If I do it with sudo it correctly uses specified username option
sudo mount -t cifs -o vers=3.0.2 -o username=Windows_username //share /mnt/smbPassword for Windows_username@//share:
Before trying this I put line to /etc/fstab
//share /mnt/smb cifs noauto,user 0 0
Same result if I use credentials option with credentials file.
I want to mount share with Ubuntu user (use it in script), that doesn't have sudo privileges. I need to login to Windows share with Windows user, that has set privileges on that share.
Why regular Ubuntu user cannot use username option?