I've a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu Server 22.04.2 LTS.
I need to mount a samba share at boot time, and I've followed instructions on this site at sections Mount password protected network folders: MountWindowsSharesPermanently
nano ~/.smbcredentials # there i've added my credentialschmod 600 ~/.smbcredentialssudo nano /etc/fstabsudo mkdir /media/windowsshare
And I've added this line of code:
//{samba-share-ipaddress}/sharename /media/windowsshare cifs credentials=/home/{my-ubuntu-username}/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8 0 0
When I execute the command sudo mount -a, the share is mounted correctly, but if I reboot, the folder is not mounted.
I've tried to add _netdev but without success:
//samba-share-ipaddress/sharename /media/windowsshare cifs credentials=/home/{my-ubuntu-username}/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,_netdev 0 0
How can I resolve this problem?