I have a couple of network folders in other linux machines on my CIFS network.
I've set them in FSTAB and they are accessed OK, PROVIDING I do a sudo mount -a when the system is restarted.
I've managed to put the mount -a in a gnome-terminal app invoked by my .config/autostart, but the gnome-terminal (sudo) then asks for my password.
How can I provide my password in the Desktop entry in this autostart?
EG:Exec=gnome-terminal --tab --title="FSTABBER INITIATE!" --command="bash -c 'sudo mount -a; echo DID OUR FSTABBER WORK OK?; $SHELL'"
(Don't worry- I'll get rid the extraneous echo and $SHELL once it works successfully)
An alternative might be to put me in a sudoers file, but I'd rather do a sudo whenever I actually need it.