Newbie here, I spent countless hours and visited numerous webpages to what I thought would be a straight forward problem. After writing up my notes for future reference, I decided to post them here to help anyone who might have similar problems. The notes have gone thru a few revisions and for reference there are 4 sources for further reading.
This solution has been installed and working on three ubuntu VM’s that are running under Windows 10 Pro Hyper-V and Ubuntu 20.04 KVM VMM. So far the network shares popup quickly and there is no appreciable lag times when traveling up and down the directory trees.
This solution solves a similar problem in Hyper-V when using ‘passthrough hard drives’; the Ubuntu vm's have only ‘read’ permissions on the hard drives. Unfortunately, Microsoft discourages using passthrough hard drives and this caused me to look for a linux solution. The hard drives are needed since they are to be used for extensive i/o. In my experience hard drives have faster write speeds and usually last longer than ssd drives.
The steps below have the mount points in the ‘/media/‘ folder, this follows what was recommended on some source webpages. When I started to solve this problem my mount points were setup in the ‘/mnt/‘ folder, as of now I am not sure if that will still work. You could give it a try if that’s what you want.
Source: How to change permissions on mounted windows share?
Source: Ubuntu Server 18.04.01 LTS CIFS Mount failing——————————————————————————————————————————
after new Ubuntu install, additional packages to add:
xrdp, samba-common, samba, smbclient
open ‘Terminal’ and enter the following commands:
install cifs utilities
sudo apt-get install cifs-utils
create mount points for windows shares and set permissions
sudo mkdir /media/mountName
sudo chown userId:userId /media/mountName
sudo chmod 755 /media/mountName
create ‘credentials’ file to hold userid/password and set permissions
sudo nano ~/.smbcredentials
enter the following 2 lines
username=windowsLoginIdpassword=windowsPasswordenter 'ctrl-x', then 'y' and finally 'enter' to exit and save file
set permissions to hide username and password
sudo chmod 600 ~/.smbcredentials
retrieve ‘uid’ and ‘gid’ values for next step
the ‘id’ command will output something similar to the following:
uid=1000(userId) gid=1000(userId) groups=1000(userId),4(adm),………….,1001(smbgroup)
backup and edit ‘fstab’ to mount window share at ubuntu startup
mkdir ~/system-backups
cp /etc/fstab ~/system-backups
sudo nano /etc/fstab
at end of file enter the following line:
//winServerName/shareName /media/mountName cifs credentials=/home/userId/.smbcredentials,uid=1000,gid=1000,vers=3.0,nounix 0 0
(Note: for the last 2 ‘0’ enter a ‘tab’ before the ‘0’ and delete any carriage returns)
enter 'ctrl-x', then 'y' and finally 'enter' to exit and save file
test mounting of windows network share
sudo mount -a
if no errors appear, the mount should appear in ‘file manager’
check mount in file manager for read/write access
test permanent network share
shutdown and reboot pc
open ‘file manager’ and check network share
other relevant commands
manually mount network share
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=windowsLoginId //winServerName/shareName /media/mountName
you will be prompted for the ‘password’
prepare mount point for deletion; do not run command where ‘pwd’ is ‘/media’
sudo umount /media/mountName
delete mount point
rmdir /media/mountName